Fleck 9100 SXT Twin Alternating Metered Softener 48K Grains. **Free Shipping**

Fleck 9100 SXT Twin Alternating Metered Softener 48K Grains. **Free Shipping**

Regular price $1,455.00 Sale

The 9100 incorporates the time-tested design of the 9000 in a rugged, glass-reinforced Noryl, twin tank control valve. Perfect for light commercial / heavy residential systems that require twin-tank conditioning capabilities.

Six-cycle control regenerates with soft water immediately when needed keeping the system clean for optimum operating efficiency. Regenerates as often as every 90 minutes if required. Continuous flow rates up to 18 gpm . Handles up to 16" softeners.

Softeners include Fleck 9100 SXT meter valve 48k x(2) with 1600 time brining, 3/4"or 1" plastic yoke and bypass, black polyglass mineral tanks, charcoal 18"x 33" brine tank with safety float, air check and High Efficiency 8% crosslink resin.

These units can be built with fine mesh resin as well as SST-60 for high levels of iron and manganese. 

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